Hey! I hate everything....Enjoy!

Monday, November 15, 2010

Inconvenienced at the airport? Shove it!

       To all the people that are bitching about the "intrusive" x-ray machines  at the airport; SHUT THE HELL UP! These machines are put in the airports for OUR safety. I don't know about you, but I wouldn't want to be on a plane while the guy next to me is trying to detonate his underpants. I'd rather let the "intrusive" x-ray machine find that little surprise.
       Men and women in the armed forces die every day while they are overseas fighting for OUR freedom, and protecting OUR country; but it is every one's responsibility to do their part in the fight against terrorism. If standing in an x-ray machine for one minute is such an inconvenience for you, and so unfair then maybe you should meet someone that lost a loved one on September 11th,  or a mother who lost her son to the war. If standing in an x-ray machine is so intrusive, then maybe you should speak to a soldier who lost his leg while fighting for your freedom. Better yet, how about you get on a cargo plane (no intrusive x-ray required), and get dumped off in the middle of the desert in Iraq and sleep in a tent for 6 months. Every night you can be rocked to sleep by the vibrations of bombs dropping in the distance. I bet you'll wish you were in an "inconvenient" x-ray machine then.
       Shut your mouth, and Do your part. No one wants to see whats under your clothes anyway, so don't flatter yourself!

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