Hey! I hate everything....Enjoy!

Wednesday, June 22, 2011



               I HATE verizon. I hate verizon so much that I am not even going to capitalize the v on their name because they are pieces of shit who don't deserve a capital v. verizon is a dirty whore; a waste of time that gives you close to nothing, but demands payment for services rendered.
              I am convinced that verizon is affiliated with al qaeda! I bet Bin Laden planned it all out with  Ivan Seidenberg (CEO of Verizon).  Does anyone know where in the Middle East are these "outsourced employees" are located? What would be the perfect way for Al qaeda to discretely kill Americans with out anyone ever suspecting them? Team up with Verizon who has outsourced 95% of their employees, charge customers more money in bad economy, keep them on hold for 45 minutes, then speak to them in broken English to the point where they are so angry......they have a massive heart attack. BOOM! Who would expect terrorism? No one! Everyone at the funeral would shake their heads, and blame it on the anger problem the person developed when they had mulch thrown on them at the playground at the age of 6!
            Think about it! Join the fight against terrorism and cancel your Verizon service immediately!

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