Hey! I hate everything....Enjoy!

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

People who walk around ALONE and smile


          Hey smiley, walking around Walmart ALONE with  a cart full of kitty litter and cat food; WIPE THAT STUPID SMILE OFF OF YOUR FUCKING FACE. What are you so fucking happy about? Did you find a new stray cat on your way to Walmart? Did you find a new detergent that will remove the scent of cat piss from all of your clothes? Please clue us all in on what is so fucking great!
           Last time I checked the economy was in the shitter, unemployment rates were at an all time high, and people were chasing after Sarah Palin's bus to get her autograph. Is that anything to smile about you jerkoff? NO! IT'S NOT! Here is a news flash for ya buddy, whatever it is that has you so chipper is going to end. So stop fucking smiling.
          I honestly want to go up to every one smiling for no apparent reason and ruin their day. I'm going to start making up the most sickening, horrible stories just to tell these people because I literally hate their guts.

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