Hey! I hate everything....Enjoy!

Thursday, December 2, 2010

Truck Nutz


               As if your big, diesel, super cool, double duty truck isn't obnoxious enough, you then decide to hang saggy testicles from the truck. Good Job! Nothing screams class more then the most unattractive male organ shaking around on your hitch! Those balls look great with the "Bada Bing" stripper sticker on your back window! The contradiction must make women flock to you!
               Why in god's name would you put these on your vehicle? What message are you trying to send? That your truck is fast? I am fully aware that your super cool truck has a hemi and that it's faster than my four cylinder Honda.  Are you trying to make people aware that your truck belongs to a man? I'm pretty sure that awesome "drive it like you stole it" bumper sticker, and the fact that you tailgated an elderly woman for 3 miles gave everyone a pretty good idea of your gender!
           Do you want to know the message that all these "manly" truck decorations are sending out? They prove that you are an inconsiderate, chauvinistic pig. They solidify the fact that you have an extremely small penis because obviously your hemi couldn't make up for all the "man power" you are lacking. They also confirm that you are in fact a homosexual. Anyone who has to try this hard to prove how much of a "man" they are is obviously hiding something. You can come out of the closet it's 2010, it's accepted now!
              I'm going to start taking them off people's vehicles. When you go outside and your balls are gone..I TOOK THEM!!!!!! 

What every guy wants. Saggy balls!

I don't know whats worse, the balls or the Bush bumper sticker.

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